Teabreak over…..

In  the months since I last posted a lot has happened.

The most significant is that my mother died. It was not an unexpected death – she had been ill with numerous serious ailments for years, which she bore with patience and humour. But the last few weeks weren’t pleasant.

 She had a fall, followed by a complete failure at A&E to diagnose major fractures which delayed treatment for over a week, and after that she was never the same. Her last days and her passing, though, were peaceful. I miss her like crazy every day, as does my dad, whose everyday life I am now trying to make pleasant and meaningful.

My own health has also been up and down. I regularly get sent to the hospital for tests to ensure there’s nothing serious or terminal, which are never quite conclusive and successively more painful and invasive.

But it isn’t the actual pain that upsets me. It is having to spend so much time around the Manx “worried well”. You may know the kind, but over here it is a way of life, in the way that filing false compensation claims is the nearest Liverpudlians have to a profession.  

Being ill is the most interesting thing that ever happened to such bozos. Not surprising that they cling on to it or are unable to admit that they are better. What else would they have to talk about, or what other excuse to bore the arse off anyone silly enough to ask after their health?

Anyway, enough grumbling. With this post I finally broke the dry spell. I am back, and hopefully disciplined enough to start regular, happier posting again.

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